
Conversations with Dr. Jane

Monthly pearls of wisdom on living your best life!

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July 1 marks another Canadian anniversary and what a joy it is to live in the beautiful country we know as "Canada" today.

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Join me in a heartfelt conversation. I was restless to change up the routine of my newsletter. Rather than educate – I wish to converse with you, my friends.

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Our mouths do all of our talking – Dr. Jane will ensure you’re expressing the most positive, vibrant version of yourself. As one of the most defining and beautiful features on our face, our lips say a lot about us – showcasing our smile and highlighting our words.

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The skin is the body’s largest organ and many factors affect its appearance such as weight gain or weight loss, environmental toxins, lifestyle choices and the effects of aging. As time goes on these factors leave us wishing to return to the smoother, tighter look and feel of our skin we once had.

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Keratosis Pilaris (KP) appears as small, rough bumps on the skin. The bumps may be white or red and are often accompanied by dry, scaly skin. Some people with KP remark that the bumps look like chicken skin or goosebumps.

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With a simple and safe process, your aspireMD healthcare practitioner is able to derive a high concentration of biological nutrient-rich cells and growth factors to create uniquely your very own platelet-rich rejuvenating plasma.

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